Week Beginning October 3, 2011


Document Processing - Complete 9/11 Report Project.  Even day classes report due Monday the 3rd, odd day classes report due Tuesday the 4th.  Review how to create, format, edit and save a table in MS Word.

Cisco Networking - Explore Cisco Networking Academy web site. Open "Discovery" curriculum and read and study Chapter 2. Complete lab exercises and activities.

Computer Applications - Review how to create, format, edit and save a table in MS Word.

Advanced Computer Technologies - Continue to develop independent research project and document your progress.

Week Beginning September 26, 2011


Document Processing - Research, compose, format, edit, and save a report based on the 9/11 tragedy. Save document as "9-11 Report".  Follow formatting guide for title and bibliography pages.  Proofread report before printing.

Cisco Networking - Explore Cisco Networking Academy web site. Open "Discovery" curriculum and read and study Chapter 2. Complete lab exercises and activities.

Computer Applications - Research, compose, format, edit, and save a report based on the 9/11 tragedy. Save document as "9-11 Report". Follow formatting guide for title and bibliography pages. Proofread report before printing.

Advanced Computer Technologies - Continue to develop independent research project and document your progress.

Week Beginning September 19, 2011


Document Processing - Research, compose, format, edit, and save a report based on the 9/11 tragedy.  Save document as "9-11 Report".

Cisco Networking - Explore Cisco Networking Academy web site. Open "Discovery" curriculum and read and study Chapter 1.  Complete lab exercises and activities.

Computer Applications - Research, compose, format, edit, and save a report based on the 9/11 tragedy. Save document as "9-11 Report".

Advanced Computer Technologies - Continue to develop independent research project and document your progress.

Week Beginning September 12, 2011


Document Processing - Complete and print "My Summer 2011" document.  Research, compose, format, edit, and save a report based on the 9/11 tragedy.  Save document as "9-11 Report".

Cisco Networking - Explore Cisco Networking Academy web site.  Open "Discovery" curriculum and read and study Chapter 1.

Computer Applications -  Complete and print "My Summer 2011" document. Research, compose, format, edit, and save a report based on the 9/11 tragedy. Save document as "9-11 Report".

Advanced Computer Technologies - Continue to develop independent research project and document your progress.

Week Beginning September 6, 2011


Document Processing - Create nested folders.  Create new documents and save in "My Portfolio" folder.  Complete "My Summer 2011" document.  Explore font and paragraph features in MS Word as demonstrated in class.

Cisco Networking - Preview Cisco Networking Academy web site.   Explore Cisco Discovery curriculum overview.

Computer Applications - Create nested folders. Create new documents and save in "My Portfolio" folder. Complete "My Summer 2011" document. Explore font and paragraph features in MS Word as demonstrated in class.

Advanced Computer Technologies -  Research class project topic of your choice.  Report on choice of topic due Friday.