Week Beginning October 31, 2011


Document Processing - Create and format a personal-business letter in block format and identify letter components.

Cisco Networking - Explore Cisco Networking Academy web site. Open "Discovery" curriculum and read and study Chapter 3. Complete lab exercises and activities. Lab exercise:  make network straight-through and crossover cables and reprogram routers.

Computer Applications - Create and format a personal-business letter in block format and identify letter components.

Advanced Computer Technologies - Continue to develop independent research project and document your progress. End of marking period project update report due Monday.

Week Beginning October 24, 2011


Document Processing - Create "Contact List" table, format table as directed and print table.  Create and format as directed your Halloween flyer and announcement. Add clip art, word art, pictures, borders, graphics, and backgrounds as necessary.

Cisco Networking - Explore Cisco Networking Academy web site. Open "Discovery" curriculum and read and study Chapter 3. Complete lab exercises and activities.  Make cables and reprogram routers.

Computer Applications - Create and format as directed your Halloween flyer and announcement.  Add clip art, word art, pictures, borders, graphics, and backgrounds as necessary.

Advanced Computer Technologies -  Continue to develop independent research project and document your progress.

Week Beginning October 17, 2011


Document Processing - Monday class print "My Schedule" table.  Create "Contact List" table, format table as directed.

Cisco Networking - Explore Cisco Networking Academy web site. Open "Discovery" curriculum and read and study Chapter 3. Complete lab exercises and activities.

Computer Applications - Create and format as directed your Halloween flyer and announcement.

Advanced Computer Technologies - Continue to develop independent research project and document your progress.

Week Beginning October 10, 2011


Document Processing - Review how to create, format, edit and save a table in MS Word.  Create "My Schedule", "Room 780 Seating Chart", and "My Friends" charts.

Cisco Networking - Explore Cisco Networking Academy web site. Open "Discovery" curriculum and read and study Chapter 2. Complete lab exercises and activities.

Computer Applications - Review how to create, format, edit and save a table in MS Word. Create "My Schedule", "Room 560 Seating Chart", and "My Friends" charts.

Advanced Computer Technologies - Continue to develop independent research project and document your progress.